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Declaration of accessibility

The form of the published information is in accordance with Decree No. 64/2008 Coll., on the form of publication of information related to the performance of public administration through websites for persons with disabilities (Decree on accessibility), and complies with all the rules published in the Annex to this Decree. The creation of this website was carried out in accordance with the Methodological Instruction to Decree No 64/2008 Coll.


HTML 4 Strict markup language is used to describe all information on this website, and CSS cascading styles are used to describe the appearance. The text content of the pages can be displayed with cascading styles disabled. All sizes are in relative units, so it is possible to increase the font size as needed. All links in the text are underlined.

Printed from

The website also includes CSS style for the print version. All pages are printable without any limitations by standard internet browser means (by default printer icon in browser navigation bar or via menu File - Print).

The above statement refers only to the information presented on this server of the ÚNMZ and does not necessarily apply to other servers in the domain.

Recommended browser extensions

Some of the information on this server is offered as documents in the format PDF, especially for reasons that either contain typographic elements and formatting that web format XHTML does not support them, or they are too large and should be withdrawn. To view such documents, you need to have a browser installed Adobe Reader, which is free to download from the company's website Adobe.

In some cases, especially if you are required to modify the document, the document is published in the format RTF. Such a file can be viewed and edited by most commonly used text editors.

In very rare cases, the document is published in one of the formats of the Microsoft Office family of applications. These are mainly documents with the file extension DOCXLS, or PPT. Such documents are published on this server only if they contain formatting that does not allow their conversion to other formats (PDFRTF), or if the owner of these documents has expressly forbidden any manipulation or conversion. For all of these formats, the Microsoft website a free browser that you can download and install on your computer.

If the attached file takes up too much space or there are a large number of files, it would take too much time to download them. That's why we have modified some files for you with a compression program into a format ZIP and reduced their size. Before you can open such a file, you must first open the "Expand". There are many free programs available on the internet that you can use to unpack ZIP file to use. Most likely, however, you will already have a similar program installed on your computer, or even your operating system offers such an option.

Contact the webmaster

You can send your suggestions, observations or information about problems with the display of this site to the technical administrator of the server - This address is used only for technical, not content-related matters concerning this website.