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National metrology system of the Czech Republic

National metrology system of the Czech Republic

National metrology system (hereinafter referred to as NMS) means the system which serves to ensure the uniformity and correctness of measuring instruments and measurements in a given State, through a system of technical means and equipment, as well as technical regulations, rights and obligations of administrative authorities and legal persons or natural persons engaged in business.

The main areas of the system are fundamental metrology, legal metrology and industrial metrology.

The basic elements of the NMS CR are consumers and the public in general (i.e. not only citizens of the Czech Republic, but also foreign nationals who are present in the Czech Republic). For them, there is an infrastructure of producers and services and for them there are also objective aspects of public interest that must be respected and observed.

The second important element of the NMS CR is business entities. This element also includes manufacturers and repairers of measuring instruments as well as installers of measuring instruments. In addition, this element includes entities with outputs that are not products (e.g. services).

Other elements of the NMS CR are involved in its management, providing services for the two above mentioned basic elements and the necessary development of metrology and international metrological cooperation within this system. It is of course represented here Statewhose function is basically focused on the creation, negotiation and approval of the necessary metrological legislation (i.e., mostly the area of legal metrology), activities related to compliance with metrological legislation, activities related to ensuring the development of metrology in the Czech Republic and activities related to the area of international cooperation in metrology.

One of the key elements is undeniably National Institute of Metrology, represented by the Czech Metrology Institute (hereinafter referred to as CMI).

The NMS also includes other important elements, as education in the field of metrology, including a network of functioning certification bodies for the certification of persons in the field of metrology and, of course, also the Czech national accreditation system, on the basis of which it is possible to prove the competence of calibration laboratories, testing laboratories, certification bodies and inspection bodies, especially in the field of applied metrology. The Czech national accreditation system also has a significant position in the field of entities operating in legal metrology. A number of CMI sites providing services in the field of metrology in general and working in legal metrology are accredited. In addition to verification of professional competence by the CMI, accreditation also serves as a basis for the authorisation of entities which then work as authorised metrology centres (AMS).

The legal framework of the NMS CR is currently defined by Act No. 505/1990 Coll., on Metrology, and its implementing regulations. The placing of certain types of measuring instruments on the market and in operation falls within the scope of Act No. 90/2016 Coll., on conformity assessment of specified products when they are supplied to the market and the relevant Government Regulations of the Czech Republic. here.

The national metrology system of the Czech Republic is fully comparable and compatible with the systems common in the member states of the Metric Convention and especially with the systems of countries in the EU. This is also reflected in the involvement in international cooperation at all relevant levels, including membership and work in the bodies of the Metric Convention, EURAMET e.V., OIML, WELMEC e.V. and others.


Structure of the NMS of the Czech Republic

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Elements of the NMS CR that are active in the system

MIT  - Central Authority of the State Administration for Technical Standardization, Metrology and State Testing - see Act No.. 2/1969 Coll.. and Act No. 20/1993 Coll., on ensuring the performance of state administration in the field of technical standardisation, metrology and state testing.


ÚNMZ - State administration body for technical standardization, metrology and state testing. The competence in metrology is given by Act No. 20/1993 Coll.., and Act No. 505/1990 Coll.., on metrology.

Main areas of competence of the Office of Metrology

- stipulates program State Metrology and ensures its implementation,

-      represents the Czech Republic in international metrology bodies and organisations,

-       authorises entities to perform in the field of state metrological control of measuring instruments and official measurements, authorises authorised bodies to preservation of state standards,

- performed check activities CMI,

-      monitors compliance with obligations provided for in this Act; in exercising control, it shall proceed in accordance with a special legal regulation,

-      Announced by information to the European Community (EC) authorities on the bodies responsible for type-approval and verification of measuring instruments

- and others


CMI - The competence in metrology is determined by the Metrology Act and the founding charter. It acts as a national metrology institute.

Main areas of CMI's competence in metrology

- performed metrological research and preservation of national standards including the transfer of measurement unit values,

- performs type approval and verification of specified measuring instruments,

-      registers entities that repair or install the specified meters,

- performs state metrology Oversight,

- performs metrological check prepackaged goods and bottles,

-      assesses compliance and carries out product testing within the scope of authorisations or accreditations granted under the legal regulation governing the field of technical requirements for products (MID, NAWI),

- issues measures of a general nature pursuant to §24c and 24d of the Metrology Act,

- notify the EU authorities of information on the issue or amendment of certificates relating to the approval of measuring instruments

- and others.


Associated CMI laboratories

- Institute of Photonics and Electronics of the CAS

- Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography

- Czech Hydrometeorological Institute.


HERE - the national metrology system uses the services of a national accreditation body to assess the competence of metrology bodies.

AMS - authorised metrology centres - bodies authorised to verify specified measuring instruments or certify reference materials (§ 16 of Act No. 505/1990 Coll.)  

ÚM - bodies authorised to carry out official measurements

Notified person for MID and NAWI directives - 1 (CMI - NO 1383)

Registered entities pursuant to § 19 of Act No. 505/1990 Coll.  

Gauge manufacturers

Service providers

The NMS also includes accredited calibration laboratories and other entities



Position of the Czech Republic in international metrology organisations

Metric convention - Strictly speaking, the Metric Convention is a treaty at the government level. The General Conference on Weights and Measures is represented by a delegation mandated by the government to negotiate. Czechoslovakia acceded to the Convention in 1922 (see Decree No. 351/1922 Coll.). The Czech Republic is a member as a successor state. Cooperation with the BIPM (International Bureau of Weights and Measures) is at technical level and is coordinated by the CMI.

Convention on the establishment of OIML and the accession of Czechoslovakia was approved by the government in 1955. The Director General of the CMI is a member of its committee.

Member of WELMEC e.V. has been the ÚNMZ since 2020 (formerly WELMEC, where ÚNMZ has been a full member on behalf of the CMI since 2004).

Member of EURAMET e.V. is CMI since 2007 (formerly EUROMET, where CMI was a full member since 1996).


NMS CR is associated with accreditation and technical standardization 



Technical standardisation

The World










Czech Republic

CMI (national lab.)




fundamental metrology


(national authorities)

national accreditation body

national standardisation body

industrial metrology

 authorised entities

accredited bodies


Development of the NMS

The NMS CR is continuously improving. Since 2000, the government, by its resolution concept development of the NMS for a five-year period. For basic information on developments in metrology, see here.

Note: Further information about the NMS CR can be found in technical harmonisation proceedings ÚNMZ.