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Requests processed in accordance with Act No. 106/1999 Coll.

Overview of questions and answers:

Notification of the Advertising Placement Rules I

Notification of the Advertising Rules II

Notification Lawand No. 66-2017

Notification Lawand No. 262-2019 Coll.

opinion on the French proposal Lawand on combating hate content on the internet of August 2019

Withdrawal of notification of technical regulation to the European Commission No 2016-664-CZ

data on the actual quantity of fuel consumed for the purpose according to § 1 of Decree No. 413-2003 Coll.

data on the actual quantity of fuel consumed for the purpose according to § 2(3) of Decree No 48-2008 Coll.

Authorisation to verify speedometers I

Authorisation to verify speedometers II

Authorisation to verify speedometers III

Repair of the Collection Lawů

Validity of OIML R 9l l990(E)

Withdrawal of Notification No 2016-664-CZ

Bindingness of CSN


01 CSN 73 1901

02 Law on conflict of interest

03 fibreglass plates

04 Contractual relations

05 opinions of the European Commission

06 opinions of the European Commission II

07 placement of traffic signs

08 origin Law22-1997 Coll. and NV No. 173-1997 Coll.

09 author of CSN 73 4201

10 Language in which standards are issued

11 compliance with EU Regulation 765-2008

12 Translation of the standard

13 Organisational structure of the Authority

14 Request for the provision of the technical standard CSN 73 0039

15 Request for the provision of the technical standards ČSN EN 1717 and ČSN 75 5409

16 Request for the provision of the technical standard CSN 01 6910 (2014)

17 Recovery of tax arrears

18 Certificate of competence of AMS personnel

19 Where to obtain measures of a general nature

20 EN 15544

21 Notification of the amendment Lawand on medicines

Archive of questions and answers

Overview of questions

01-V.K.-information about the subject-question

02-D.D.-směrnice 98-34-ES-dotaz


04-P.Č.-loading with electrical waste-question

05-F.N.-SN standards-question

06-L.V.-interpretation of the term manufacturer-question


08-J.M.-ČSN in construction-question.pdf

09-M.V.-ČSN in construction-question

10-M.V.-guard rails-question

Overview of answers

01-V.K.-information about the subject-response

02-D.D.-směrnice 98-34-ES-odpověď


04-P.Č.-Electrical waste disposal-answer

05-F.N.-SN standards-answer

06-L.V.-interpretation of the term manufacturer-answer


07-J.M.-ČSN-response 2.pdf

08-J.M.-ČSN in construction-answer.pdf

09-M.V.-ČSN in construction-answer

10-M.V.-guard rails-answer