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3 July 2020

The Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing (ÚNMZ, the Office) announces that due to planned reconstruction of building at Biskupský dvůr 1148/5, Prague 1, is being moved to premises at Na Žertvách 132/24, Prague 8, with effect from 3 August 2020. All telephone numbers and e-mail addresses remain unchanged.

The removal works will be ongoing from 24 to 31 July 2020 and it will not be possible to ensure normal operation of the Office in this period. The full operational capacity of the Office will be resumed on 3 August 2020.

Since 3 August 2020, ÚNMZ workplace is located at Na Žertvách 132/24, Prague 8.

ÚNMZ registered office remains unchanged: Biskupský dvůr 1148/5, Prague 1.

The following address must always be given as invoicing address and address of ÚNMZ registered office on official documents (contracts etc.): Biskupský dvůr 1148/5, Prague 1.

A correspondence address and forwarding address for all documents (including sending invoices) is as follows: Na Žertvách 132/24, Prague 8.

Together with ÚNMZ the Czech Standardization Agency, which has its registered office in the same building at Biskupský dvůr 1148/5, will be also moved to the new address Na Žertvách 132/24. Reconstruction of the building is planned for 2 years. Afterwards both of entities will return back to their registered offices.


Thank you for understanding.


Viktor Pokorny

President of ÚNMZ


The seminar focused on the presentation of the results and outputs of the project and their relevance for the design of building structures in Moldova according to the uniform European rules, in particular, the national strategy for the implementation of Eurocodes until 2020, developed with the contribution of the experience transferred by Czech experts, further developments in the application of Eurocodes related to the principles of design of building structures, general loading and design of earthquake resistant structures, and related problematic issues were discussed. Attention was also paid to further developments in the field of Eurocodes and the Czech experts presented the Czech system for providing training and authorization of professionals in the construction industry.

The seminar was attended by about 50 representatives of relevant government institutions, the Moldovan Standards Institute, design and construction offices, the Technical University of Chisinau, the Institute of Geology and Seismology of the MD, architects' associations and other stakeholders. In terms of expertise, the seminar programme was provided by Czech experts from the Klokner Institute, the Research Institute of Civil Engineering in Prague and an independent seismicity expert, and Moldovan experts from the Moldovan Institute for Standardization, the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure and the Technical University of Chisinau.

One of the outputs of the project, an online system for secure access to standards and other normative documents, which was launched in June 2019 and is available on the website of the Institute for Standardization of the Republic of Moldova (

More information about the project can be found at here

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(until 2 December 2019)

The European Commission has commissioned Civic Consulting to carry out a study to inform a report on the implementation of Guidelines 2001/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on general security products (GPSD). The main objective of the study is to collect and analyse data and experiences related to the implementation of Guidelines The study is to cover in particular the area of security and traceability products, the functioning of market surveillance, standardisation activities, the functioning of RAPEX, measures taken under Article 13. For these purposes, the Survey, which is open until 2 December 2019 at . Survey is intended primarily for institutions, companies and the professional public.

On 14 October 2019, the European Commission circulated a table to Member State representatives on the Standing Committee on Construction with an overview of the standards it refuses to cite in the OJEU, including the reasons for doing so.


Not cited EN for CPR.pdf (509 kB)

On the basis of inquiries from the professional public and other interested parties, the ÚNMZ provides information regarding those construction products that are moving from the non-harmonised sphere (i.e. from the scope of Government Regulation No. 163/2002 Coll., as amended - hereinafter "NV 163/2002") to the harmonised sphere (i.e. to the scope of Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council (hereinafter "CPR").

Responsibility for the proper marketing of specified products lies with the manufacturer (or the distributor or importer). Specified construction products not covered by harmonised European standards are placed on the market in accordance with NV 163/2002. If the European Commission publishes a new (or updated) product standard in the Official Journal of the EU, this standard becomes harmonised, and products that fall within the scope of this standard are thus transferred to the harmonised sphere. The new standard usually provides for transition periodduring which products can be placed on the market under either national or European legislation. This decision is the responsibility of the body which places the product on the market. After the end of the transitional period, the product must be marketed exclusively according to the harmonised standard. Products already on the market are not affected by this change. However, it is important to note that 'placing on the market' under the CPR means the first supply of a given product on the market - i.e. not just a 'product type' but each specific product.

Certificates issued under NV 163/2002 for products that have subsequently entered the harmonised sphere expire the day after the end of the transitional period. It is advisable that authorised persons inform the holders of these certificates in writing in advance of the expiry of their validity and the need for certification under the CPR. However, authorised persons are not obliged to actively revoke such certificates. In exceptional cases, where there is a concern about the possible misuse of invalid certificates, the Authorised Person may (in accordance with its internal regulations) revoke such certificates in the form of a "certificate revocation decision". The Authorised Body shall subsequently inform the ÚNMZ and the Czech Trade Inspection Authority of such revoked certificates.

A person who places a specified product on the market in contravention of the applicable legislation commits an offence pursuant to Section 19 or Section 19a of Act No. 22/1997 Coll., as amended, or pursuant to Section 53 or Section 54 of Act No. 90/2016 Coll., as amended, and risks significant financial penalties.

Mgr. Václava Holušová

Department of building products and technical equipment

25.10. 2019

(until 29 October 2019)

The European Commission has announced Survey, which is part of the Preparatory Study for the Commission's report on market conditions for the implementation of Guidelines Council 80/181/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to units measurement. Aim Survey is to obtain more detailed and informed input on the study topic from various stakeholders. Survey is open until 29 October 2019 at and is intended primarily for institutions, companies and the professional public.

On 23 September 2019 in Prague in the building of the ÚNMZ held a strategic dialogue  limitand the transgressors ÚNMZ/ TIME and rebuilders Chinese organizations Standardization Administration of China (SAC). On behalf of the Czech side, the meeting was attended by the Chairman of the Office Mgr. Viktor Pokorný together with a representative of the Department of limitof International Relations and Director General of CAS Mgr. Zdeněk Veselý with representatives of the Department of Standardization. Chinese The delegation was led by Li Zhiping, head of the SAC division.

According to the points Agendas Chinese The party mentioned the topics of standardization institutional reform in China, the revision of standardization law and Chinese a research programme in the field. The Czech side presented plans and trends of development in the field of standardisation and standardisation strategy. The text of the Memorandum in the field of standardisation was discussed by both sides. limitÚNMZ and SAC.


Public consultation on the Metrology Research Initiative - European Metrology Partnership

The European Commission has launched a public consultation on the Metrology Research Initiative - European Metrology Partnership, which aims to provide a legal basis for the creation of European metrology research networks to provide a structure for the implementation of the EU's Horizon Europe metrology research and innovation framework programme. Both legal and natural persons can comment on the initiative in a public consultation. The consultation is open until 6 November 2019, details and a questionnaire can be found at

Derogation from the requirements for nominal quantities laid down in Directive 2007/45/EC

MIT Decree No. 328/2000 Coll., on the method of manufacture of certain types of prepackaged goods the quantity of which is expressed in units of weight or volume, which incorporates the relevant European Union regulations (Council Directive 76/211/EEC, as amended by Commission Directive 78/891/EEC and Directive 2007/45/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council), lays down, inter alia, the permissible nominal volumes of certain liquid products contained in prepackaging, whether or not the prepackaging is marked with the 'e' symbol (see Annex 3 to the Decree). If the liquid product is Spiritsand, then it is Spiritsas defined in directly applicable European Union legislation (Regulation 110/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council).

Regulation 2018/1670 of the European Parliament and of the Council, which is applicable from 1 January 2019, there is a derogation from the requirements for nominal quantities laid down in Directive 2007/45/EC, such that, by way of derogation from Article 3 of Directive 2007/45/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and point 1, sixth line, of the Annex to that Directive can be once distilled shochu (*) produced in a batch still and bottled in Japan placed on the Union market in nominal quantities of 720 ml and 1 800 ml.

(*) As set out in Annex 2-D to the Economic Partnership Agreement between the European Union and Japan.


Metrology Department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade


On 24 July 2019, the Commission Directive (EU) was published in the Official Journal of the EU 2019/1258adapting to technical progress the Annex to Council Directive 80/181/EEC as regards the definitions of the SI base units.

New definitions of the SI base units were adopted at the 26th CGPM meeting in 2018. These new definitions are based on the new principle of fixing the numerical values of the defining constants and are effective from 20 May 2019. The new definitions are intended to improve the long-term stability and plausibility of the SI base units, as well as the accuracy and clarity of measurements, and further reflect the latest developments in measurement science and standards. Directive 80/181/EEC on units of measurement has also been revised for these reasons. The revision of the Directive will enter into force on 13 August 2019 and will subsequently be transposed into Czech law.


On 24-25 July 2019, the 8th meeting of the Working Group on Cooperation in the Field of Standardization, Metrology and Conformity Assessment of the Intergovernmental Commission for Economic, Industrial and Scientific and Technical Cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Czech Republic took place in Moscow.

Representatives of the Czech Republic, the Czech Metrology Institute (CMI) and the Association of Accredited and Authorized Organizations (AAAO) participated in the meeting of the working group, while representatives of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandard), the Russian Scientific and Technical Centre for Information on Standardization, Metrology and Conformity Assessment (Standartinform), the Metrology Institute D.I.Mendeleev (VNIIM), the Scientific Research Institute for Physical Engineering and Radiotechnical Metrology (VNIIFTRI), the Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification and the Russian Export Center (REC).

The main topic of discussion was the results, current status and prospects of Czech-Russian relations in the field of standardization, metrology and quality infrastructure - see agenda negotiations.

The next 9th meeting of the Czech-Russian Working Group was originally planned for 2020 in the Czech Republic. Due to the global pandemic situation, the meeting has been postponed and is likely to be held in the framework of the next meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission for Economic, Industrial and Scientific and Technological Cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Czech Republic, which is planned to take place in the Czech Republic in 2021.


Please note the public consultation on the revision of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC launched by the European Commission. The main reason for the consultation is to confirm the problems identified in the evaluation of the Directive and at the same time to highlight which parts of the Directive can be improved and/or simplified. To this end, interested parties can use the link below to comment via the online questionnaire.

The evaluation of the Directive, which was completed in 2018, concluded overall that the Directive is generally relevant, effective, efficient, coherent and adds EU value. However, it also identified a need to improve the legal clarity of some provisions. In addition, the evaluation showed that weaknesses in monitoring and enforcement affect the effectiveness of the Directive. The evaluation also found that the Directive is flexible to allow for technological developments using new technologies.

Public consultation - questionnaire:

Comment period:

  1. June 2019 - 30 August 2019


In honor of the founder of organized Czechoslovak technical standardization, Professor Dr. Ing Vladimir List, two types of awards bearing his name are given.

In honour of the founder of organised Czechoslovak technical standardisation, Professor Dr. Ing Vladimir List, two types of awards bearing his name are given:

The Czech Agency for Standardization continues the established tradition of awarding the Vladimir List Award and Honorable Mention. In 2019, nominations for individuals who have contributed to the development of technical standardisation are open until 30 June 2019. The terms and conditions for the award and the nomination process can be found in the text below.

Proposals for awards can be sent to, fax 221 802 311, or by post to the hands of Mrs. Olga Hončová to:

Czech Agency for Standardization
Olga Hončová
Bishop's Court 5
128 01 Prague 1

Proposal sheet for the submission of proposals

Award conditions and rules

Handbook on the International System of Units (SI) published

The International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) has published a new handbook on the International System of Units (SI), which includes new definitions of the basic SI units.

The manual is available for download here (PDF 2000 kB).

For news on units of measurement, please visit BIPM.

Study stay Moldovanexperts in Prague

From 20 to 24 May 2019, a study stay of experts from the Moldovan Institute for Standardization took place in Prague, which was another of a series of study and consultation stays organized in the Czech Republic within the framework of the implementation of the development cooperation project "Implementation of Eurocodes in the Republic of Moldova", which is implemented by the Ministry of Industry and Trade. During this stay, a two-day training of Moldovan colleagues was conducted, focused on meeting the requirements of ISO/IEC 17024 - Conformity Assessment - General Requirements for Bodies for the Certification of Persons, organized in cooperation with the Czech Society for Quality.

In collaboration a workshop was held with experts from the Czech Chamber of Authorized Engineers and Technicians in Construction, during which Czech experts shared their experience in the implementation of Eurocodes and the process of authorization of professionals in construction in the Czech Republic.

More detailed information about projectu can be found here.

We would like to invite you to two seminars for economic operators, professionals and users of building products, organized by TZÚS Praha, s.p. under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Industry and Trade, with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Czech Technical University, and the Czech Construction Inspectorate.

Focus: current and forthcoming legislation, information resources, use of recyclates in construction products, asphalt mixtures, CTIA inspection actions and EOTA procedures

Dates: 13 June 2019 and 24 September 2019

Venue: meeting room of the MIT - "Glass Hall", Na Františku 32, 110 15 Prague 1


Details can be found under the following links:

The Czech Standards Agency (CSA) announces the 4th annual competition for the best student work in the field of technical standardization.

The aim of the competition is to award the authors of the best diploma and bachelor theses with a focus on technical standardization, submitted for defense in the academic year 2017/2018 and 2018/2019, and thus to support their further professional direction.

Employees of the ÚNMZ and ČAS and persons close to employees of the ÚNMZ and ČAS within the meaning of Section 22 of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, are not eligible to participate in the competition and are excluded from it.

What are the awards?

-         1st place in the category "The best diploma thesis in the field of technical standardization" with a financial award of 10 thousand CZK

-         Honorable mention in the category "The best diploma thesis in the field of technical standardization" with a financial reward of CZK 5,000

-         1st place in the category "Best Bachelor Thesis in the field of technical standardization" with a financial award of 10 thousand CZK

-         Honorable mention in the category "The best bachelor thesis in the field of technical standardization" with a financial reward of CZK 5,000


What are the conditions for participation in the competition?

-         The author of the thesis must be a student or graduate of a bachelor's or master's degree programme at a university based in the Czech Republic and must not be older than 30 years

- The thesis must be submitted for defence in the academic year 2017/2018 or 2018/2019 with an expected defence date between 1 January 2018 and 30 September 2019

-         The submitted work must be written in Czech language

-         It is not possible to submit a work that was entered in the previous year


What is being assessed?

-         Relation of work to technical standards and ability to apply them (e.g. use of CSN for thesis or bachelor's thesis)

-         Professional quality of the work, contribution to the current state of knowledge, applicability of the work to practice and innovative approach to the issue in relation to technical standardization


Who's judging?

-         Expert Commission composed of representatives of the CAS and selected representatives of stakeholders


How to apply?

-         The completed application form together with the electronic version of the thesis (or the supervisor's and opponent's opinions) should be sent to PhDr. Věra Vlková ( or at ČAS, Biskupský dvůr 5, 110 02 Prague 1)

Download the application form here: Application Lista Award - students


Until when can I apply for a job?

-         Until 31 July 2019


The winners of the competition will be announced and the awards will be presented in October 2019 on the occasion of the celebration of the International Day of Technical Standardization and the Vladimir List Awards.


The theme for World Metrology Day 2019 is International System of Units - better from the ground up. This topic was chosen because on 16 November 2018, the General Conference on Weights and Measures agreed on arguably one of the most significant revisions to the International System of Units (SI) since its introduction. Research into new measurement methods, including the use of quantum phenomena, has underpinned the change, which becomes effective on 20 May 2019. The SI system is now based on a series of definitions, each of which is linked to a law of physics, which will enable further advances in metrology as a science and technology and meet the needs of future users for many years to come.

Indeed, metrology, the science of measurement more broadly, plays a central role in scientific discovery and innovation, industrial production, international trade, improving the quality of life and protecting the global environment.

World Metrology Day is an annual celebration of the signing of the Metric Convention on 20 May 1875 by representatives of seventeen nations. The Convention set the framework for global cooperation in metrology in industry, commerce and social use. The original goal of the Metric Convention was broad global uniformity of measurement - which remains as important today as it was then in 1875.

The World Metrology Day project is jointly implemented by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures and the International Organization for Legal Metrology.

More here

On 16 April 2019, a meeting between the management of the Institute of Standards, Metrology and Quality of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and STAMEQ (The Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam) took place at the premises of the Institute of Standards, Metrology and Quality to discuss concrete possibilities for future cooperation between the two institutions on the basis of the framework Memoranda of Understanding for standardisation, metrology and conformity assessment agreed between these institutions and signed today as part of the programme of the Vietnamese Prime Minister's visit to the Czech Republic.

Programme No.EU-Vietnam Business and Investment Forum

Press conference after the meeting with the Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Nguyen Xuan Phuc, 17 April 2019


Public consultation

The European Commission has launched a public consultation on the revision of Directive 2014/32/EU (LVD). One of the changes under consideration is the inclusion of electricity meters in the scope of this Directive.

Stakeholders and the general public can comment on the public consultation until 4 April 2019.

More information and links can be found on the European Commission website:

On February 1, 2019, a professional seminar "Principles of involvement in the European, international and national standardization activities" was held in the representative premises of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Belgrade, organized by the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Belgrade in cooperation with the Office for Technical Standardization, Metrology and State Testing (ÚNMZ) and the Serbian Institute for Standardization (ISS). The event was held with the financial support of the Czech Republic within the project "Support for the improvement and development of the quality infrastructure sector in Serbia" - "Aid for Trade" programme, implemented by the Institute of Standards and Metrology. It was a professional activity of Output 1 aimed at increasing the professional capacities of ISS staff and members of national technical standardization commissions, especially in relation to participation in the European standardization process.

The seminar was attended by more than 120 members of national technical standardization commissions, in which all relevant stakeholders are represented, representatives of the national standardization body ISS, Czech experts from the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Czech Agency for Standardization (ČAS). The seminar was opened by the Czech Ambassador to Belgrade Tomáš Kuchta as the first of the project activities. In the course of the seminar itself, the Czech experts gave presentations to share their knowledge and experience in the field of management of national standardization activities and to introduce the participants to the principles of participation in the activities of European and international standardization organizations.



Please note that you can visit the following web address until 11 February 2019 to comment on the initial impact assessment in connection with the envisaged revision of the European Machinery Directive. The aim of the event is to inform the general public and stakeholders about the European Commission's plans and at the same time to get feedback on the envisaged initiative.

Attached for download is the European Commission's information on the scope of the review and the deadline for the submission of the proposal for a new legislation for machinery - the EU Regulation (450 kB).


As of 3 January 2019, new state standards were announced by the Office for Technical Standardization, Metrology and State Testing.

State standard for geometric dimensions of 3D objects, The Czech Metrology Institute, Primary Metrology Laboratories Prague is responsible for its storage.

National standard for very small fluid flows, which is kept by the Czech Metrology Institute, Regional Inspectorate Brno.

National standard for electrolytic conductivity, which is kept by the Czech Metrology Institute, Regional Inspectorate Brno.

The technical data including metrological characteristics are given in the approval protocols of the respective state standards dated 3 January 2019, deposited in the Metrology Department of the Institute of Metrology and in the Department of Fundamental Metrology of the Czech Metrology Institute in Prague.

The announcement of the approval of the new national standards will be published in the Bulletin of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development No. 2.

Currently, the Czech Republic has 58 state standards, 55 of which are kept at the Czech Metrology Institute, and 3 state standards are kept at the associated